Project report details
1. Give bio –data of main promoters including information on name address age educational qualifications , past industrial/ business experience experience in the particular industry brief write –u on other companies if any promoted by him or with which he is associated together with a copy of the latest balance sheet (to be furnished separately in respect of each of the main promoters)
Application for financial assistance under PFPCS
15 in case the promoter is a limited company furnish a brief write-up on the activities and past performance of the company and any other expansion programmers(s) contemplated
I. Certified copies of memorandum and articles of association of the promoted company
II. Audited balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the past five years of the remoter company(S)
III. Copy of agreement(s) if any entered in to among the promoters.
16 provide a list of directors along with a complete list of concerns with which they are connected as director partner proprietor etc also furnish brief write –ups on the above concerns including information on the business and size of turnover etc
17 give names of bankers with whom enquiries may be made regarding the applicant concern and its prompters together with copies of letters addressed to bankers in form I
21 Describe in detail the project for which financial assistance is required indicating whether it relates to expansion Modernization or setting up of a new plant
Enclose: copy of project report / feasibility report if any
A Capacity
22 Furnish details of installed capacity and production as below (capacity is arrived at on the basis of ….. day ‘s working on……….shift basis)
Product present proposed maximum
Installed installed production
Capacity capacity envisaged
23 indicate the section –wise capacities for the major sections of the plant along with detailed calculations explain the reasons for excess/ inadequate capacity if any in any of the sections
24 give specifications of major products and by –products including size and weight and where appropriate chemical and physical
25 Explain briefly the technical process proposed to be employed indicate reasons for adopting/choosing the particular process.
26 Has the proposed process ever been tried in the country if so with what results
43 Explain the technical arrangements made/proposed for the implementation of the project
44 in case any collaboration is involved furnish a brief write-up on the collaborator company indicating its activities size and turnover particulars of existing plants other project in India and abroad set up with same collaboration etc,
I. copies of published brochures highlighting the activities of the collaborartor and balance sheets for last three years
II. Copy of collaboration agreement
III. Copy of government approval for availing of the services of foreign techinicans
IV. Copy of government approval for availing of the services of foreign technicians
45 furnish the particulars of consultants as below:
a) Name of the consultants
(Indicate whether Indian or foreign)
b) Scope of work assigned to them
c) Fees payable and the manner in which payable;
d) Brief particulars of the consultants including the organizational set up bio-data of senior personnel names of directors/partners particulars of work done in the past and work on hand
I. Copies of published material on consultants
II. Copy of agreement with consultants
III. Copy of government approval in case of foreign consultants.
D Management
46 Describe proposed arrangements for executive management of the concern both during the construction period and for regular operations thereafter
47 give particulars of proposed key technical administrative and accounting personnel
Enclose: proposed organization chart indicating the lines of authority
1. Give bio –data of main promoters including information on name address age educational qualifications , past industrial/ business experience experience in the particular industry brief write –u on other companies if any promoted by him or with which he is associated together with a copy of the latest balance sheet (to be furnished separately in respect of each of the main promoters)
Application for financial assistance under PFPCS
15 in case the promoter is a limited company furnish a brief write-up on the activities and past performance of the company and any other expansion programmers(s) contemplated
I. Certified copies of memorandum and articles of association of the promoted company
II. Audited balance sheets and profit and loss accounts for the past five years of the remoter company(S)
III. Copy of agreement(s) if any entered in to among the promoters.
16 provide a list of directors along with a complete list of concerns with which they are connected as director partner proprietor etc also furnish brief write –ups on the above concerns including information on the business and size of turnover etc
17 give names of bankers with whom enquiries may be made regarding the applicant concern and its prompters together with copies of letters addressed to bankers in form I
21 Describe in detail the project for which financial assistance is required indicating whether it relates to expansion Modernization or setting up of a new plant
Enclose: copy of project report / feasibility report if any
A Capacity
22 Furnish details of installed capacity and production as below (capacity is arrived at on the basis of ….. day ‘s working on……….shift basis)
Product present proposed maximum
Installed installed production
Capacity capacity envisaged
23 indicate the section –wise capacities for the major sections of the plant along with detailed calculations explain the reasons for excess/ inadequate capacity if any in any of the sections
24 give specifications of major products and by –products including size and weight and where appropriate chemical and physical
25 Explain briefly the technical process proposed to be employed indicate reasons for adopting/choosing the particular process.
26 Has the proposed process ever been tried in the country if so with what results
43 Explain the technical arrangements made/proposed for the implementation of the project
44 in case any collaboration is involved furnish a brief write-up on the collaborator company indicating its activities size and turnover particulars of existing plants other project in India and abroad set up with same collaboration etc,
I. copies of published brochures highlighting the activities of the collaborartor and balance sheets for last three years
II. Copy of collaboration agreement
III. Copy of government approval for availing of the services of foreign techinicans
IV. Copy of government approval for availing of the services of foreign technicians
45 furnish the particulars of consultants as below:
a) Name of the consultants
(Indicate whether Indian or foreign)
b) Scope of work assigned to them
c) Fees payable and the manner in which payable;
d) Brief particulars of the consultants including the organizational set up bio-data of senior personnel names of directors/partners particulars of work done in the past and work on hand
I. Copies of published material on consultants
II. Copy of agreement with consultants
III. Copy of government approval in case of foreign consultants.
D Management
46 Describe proposed arrangements for executive management of the concern both during the construction period and for regular operations thereafter
47 give particulars of proposed key technical administrative and accounting personnel
Enclose: proposed organization chart indicating the lines of authority