Project Reports
1. General
1. Name of the industrial concern (in block letter)
2. Constitution public /private limited company , co-op society, partnership/proprietary concern
3. Enclose:
Copy of memorandum and Articles of association / bye –law/partnership deed
4. Date of incorporation / registration
5. Date of commencement of business
6. Sector:
Public sector /joint sector /private sector/cooperative sector
7. Name of the business house/group to which the concern belongs and the list of other
Companies in the same group
8. Is the M R T P Act applicable to the company if so, have you obtained the necessary clearance from the government.
9. Location
(Indicate village Tehsil district and state)
A registered office
B controlling (head) office
C project for which assistance is sought
D is it a backward area eligible for concessional finance from institutions/ central subsidy.
10. Give brief particulars of the project also state whether it is a new / expansion/modernization/ diversification project
11. Nature of industry and product industry product capacity licensed
(Letter of intent issued) capacity installed
Existing propose
12. Financial assistance applied for
(In thousand of rupees)
(a ) rupee loan
(b ) foreign currency loan
(Rupee equivalent at market rate)
(c) Underwriting
I. Equity capital
II. Preference capital
III. Debentures
(d) Guarantee of foreign currency loan/ deferred credift
I. Principal
II. Interest
III. Total
IV. Guarantee to be issued in favour of
13. Particulars of foreign currency loan /guarantee applied for
Rate of rupee
Exchange equivalent at
Currency and Parity market parity market
Amont rate rate rate rate
I. Loan
II. Guarantee of for –eign currency loan /deferred credit