In Large Scale Projects the following should also be mentioned
I Utilities
57 power : furnish the following details
a) Source of power and supply voltage
Own generation
Stand by arrangements
b) Maximum demand
c) Connected load
d) Peak hour requirement
e) Contracted load
f) Power tariff
g) Cast of power per annum at maximum capacity utilization (give calculations)
I. Copy of letter of sanction for power
II. Copy of agreement with electricity bard
III. Copy of electrical layout of the plant
58 Conservation of energy (for hotel project only)
a) Indicate the efforts proposed for utilizing alternate sources of energy particularly the following
I. For improving power factor
II. For improving heating efficiency in kitchens toilets ect
III. Use of solar energy for low temperature heating requirements and whether siding /orientation of the hotal building has been made to optimize the use of solar energy
IV. For bringing down air conditioning loads
V. For optimizing illumination from lighting fixtures
VI. For better power load management including for evening out peak demand requirements and cutting down nonessential loads
VII. For generally cutting down losses in the use of various utility services namely power water and steam and maximum and efficient utilization of waste heat
b) Indicate ant other measures considered necessary or proposed to be taken in the context of energy conservation
c) Give particulars of the monitoring system to acquire the desired economy in use of energy
d) Indicate the savings achieved/proposed to be achieved by utilizing alternative source of energy
A list of 16 items coming under the following 3renwable energy system which are eligible for concessional financial assistance from financial institutions, is enclose:
I. Solar heater for industrial applications
II. Wind mill operated water pups
III. Manufacture and installation of systems based on bio-mass such as agricultural wastes etc.
List showing Item coming under alternate sources of energy
1) Flat plate solar collectors
2) Concentrating and parabolic type solar collector
3) Solar cookers
4) Solar water heaters and systems
5) Air/Gas/fluid heaters systems
6) Solar crop driers and systems
7) Solar refrigeration cold storages And air –conditioning system
8) Solar stills and desalination system
9) Solar pups based on solar thermal and solar photovoltaic conversion
10) Solar power generating system
11) Solar photovoltaic modules and panels for water pumping and other applications
12) Wind mils and any specially designed devices which run on wind mills
13) Any special devices including electric generators and pumps running on wond energy
14) Bio-gas plants and bio-gas engines
15) Agricultural and municipal waste conversion devices producing energy
16) Geo ocean thermal energy
59 water: Give details on
a) Requirement of water separately for circulating make up process boiler feed drinking cooling
b) Sources of water arrangement proposed and water charges payable
c) Capacities of the thanks reservoirs
d) Describe water treatment arrangements proposed
I. Layout for the water system
II. Copy of letter of sanction of water by municipal /local authorities where applicable:
III. Copy of water applicable
60 steam: detail the following
a) Steam requirement and the steam balance
b) Capacity and types type of the boiler with detailed specifications
c) Steam and energy balance diagrams
d) Total energy generated / purchased (converted in to k Cal) theoretical requirement of energy (in Mk Cal) at the various consumption stations and expected actual requirement at these stations
e) If alternate processes are available comparative energy consumption figures for the various processes if the project is energy intensive possibility of choosing alternative process in order to make the project less energy intensive
f) Step proposed to be taken by the company to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy losses (such as power factor improvement power load management Optimizing illumination waste heat utilization etc)
g) Scope for usage of solar /other renewable source of energy
h) Any other measures contemplated in the direction of energy conservation and management
Enclose: layout of the steam system
61 compressed air fuel etc provide information on
a) Requirement
b) Sources
c) Arrangements proposed
d) Cost at site with detailed calculations
I. Layout for compressed air fuel etc
II. Copies of letter of allotment of coal furnace oil from the concerned authorities
62 transport : furnish information on
Arrangement proposed for carrying raw materials and finished goods provision for own trucks railway siding etc and arrangements with private truck operations
J Effluent
63 furnish details of the nature of atmospheric soil and water pollution likely to be created by the project and the measures proposed for control of pollution indicate whether necessary permission for the disposal of effluents has been obtained
Enclose ; copy of approval from concerned authorities for the proposed arrangements
K Labour
64 give estimates of total requirement and availability of skilled and unskilled labour and plans for training of personnel briefly describe the manpower development programmed.
L Quarters and Labour housing
65 furnish existing and proposed arrangements for housing the staff and workers in the following form
No of quarters Floor area Unit Cost Total cost
Existing proposed Existing proposed Existing proposed Existing proposed Amount
to be Met out
of industrial
Senior Executives
Other Executives
M schedule of implementation
66 Describe how the design engineering erection installation and commissioning of the project will be carried out also indicate the progress made so far in the implementation of the project and furnish the schedule of implementation as follows:
Commencement completion
(Month and year) (Month and year)
I. Acquisition of land
II. Development of land
III. Civil works.. factory building,
Machinery foundation auxiliary
Building administrative building
Miscellaneous building
Iv plant and Machinery Imported placement of order
Deliver at site placement of order delivery at site
Indigenous for power
v. Arrangements for water
vi. Arrangements for water
vii. Erection of Equipment.
viii. Commissioning
xi. Procurement of Raw Material
And chemicals.
x. Training of Personnel.
xi. Trail runs.
Xii. Commercial Production
Enclose: PERT chart.
67. Other projects of the concern.
Give details of any other new/expansion projects which are under implementation
Or which the company/promoters propose to implement, giving the estimated cost, means of financing and the present status.
Furnish estimate of cost of Project under following heads (details may be furnished as per Form IX).Also provide the basis of cost estimate (Such as quotation orders placed etc.,) bringing out the built-in provision for cost escalation , if any.
(in thousands of rupees)
Rupee Rupee total
Cost equivalent of cost
Foreign ex
Change cost
1) Land and site development
2) Building
3) Plant and machinery
4 Technical knowhow fees
5 expenses on foreign technicians and training of Indian technicians abroad
6 miscellaneous fixed assets
7 preliminary and preoperative expenses
8 provisions for contingencies
9 margin money for working capital
68 6 mean of financing
Means of financing envisaged share capital … equity preference
Rupee loans
Foreign currency loa debentures
Internal cash accruals
Others (specify)
69 (Give details of the means of financing envisaged and the proposals for raising share and loan in form x and form X and form XA respectively)
70 In case internal accruals are takes as sources of finance explain the basis of internal accruals by means of a suitable statement
80 briefly describe the arrangements so far made for raising the finance and the proposed arrangements
Enclose: copies of letter sanctioning assistance
81 indicate sources of foreign exchange and arrangements if any made for abstaining foreign exchange
82 Indicate sources from which expenditure already incurred has been financed in from XB
83 promoter’s contribution to project cost:
As per cent of total cost………………..
84 list of person/firms who would be contributing to the promoter’s share of the capital and the respective amounts
85 Give details of security proposed to be offered for loan and/or guarantee for deferred payment on plant and machinery or guarantee for foreign currency loans
86 in case you propose to offer a bank guarantee instead of mortgage of fixed assets, specify the name of the bank and enclose copy of letter from the bank indicating its willingness to provide the guarantee
7 Market and Selling Arrangements
Enclose: copy of market survey report if any conducted by the company or independent consultant
87 Give brief notes on the products their major uses scope of the market possible competition
From substitute products etc indicate the special features (regarding quality price etc) of your products which would result in consumer preference for your products in relation to competitive products
88 furnish estimates of the existing and future and supply of the products proposed to be manufactured
89 Give an assessment of likely competition in the future and indicate any special features of the project which may enable it to meet the competition
90 provide information regarding export possibilities and the nature of competition be faced in foreign countries also give comparative data on the manufacturing costs and prices (domestic as well as export) prevailing in selected competing countries
91 if there are any export commitment assumed by the company as part of the government requirements indicate the arrangements proposed for meeting the same and the export incentives available
92 Give the international CIF FOB prices and landed cost of the proposed products.
93 list of principal customers and particulars of any firm arrangements entered in to with them
94 Particulars of government controls restrictions etc if any on the sale price distribution import export etc in respect of the products proposed to be manufactured
95 indicates whether sales are to be made directly by the company or through distributors of selling agents if sales are proposed to be made directly provide information on the nature of the proposed selling organization give particulars of proposed selling arrangements both note on the selling agent organization
Enclose copy of the agreement with selling agent
96 in case the company proposes to have any sole selling agency for any of its products furnish the following particulars
a) Name of the selling agent
b) Remuneration
c) Special advantages/ reasons for the appointments od sole selling agents
d) Relationship of the directors of the company with the directors/partners of the sole selling agents
e) Past experience in handling the same/similar products and financial position of the sole selling agents
f) Storage facilities available with the sole selling agents and the adequacy of the facilities
97 Give details regarding the trend in price during the last five years if the prices are controlled by the government or on a voluntary basis indicates the basis on which the prices are fixed
98 in case of agro-basis /agriculture input industries indicate in detail the company s scheme for educating the farmers to use the product /to grow the produce required
99 Give estimates of cost of production and working results for the first five years of operation as per from XI AND XII respectively basis for all the calculation should be show be shown separately
Note in case of expansion/ diversification of existing companies
Two sets of profitability statement may be prepared (1)
For the project and (2) for the existing operations only
100 based on the estimates of working results in from XII provide a cash flow statement for the company as a whole foe five operating years of the project in form XIII
101 from the foregoing statement provide a project balance sheet for ten operating years for the company as a whole
102 at what capacity will the plant break even give detailed calculations
Give price of competing impoet/ export product giving a break up as FOB CIF landed cost (including import duty) and selling price
Provide detailed explanation for differences in selling prices of the products and those of imported goods with quantitative data on difference in cost of production (such as scale of operation differences in cost of input and various local duties and taxes)
Give the international /CIF/FOB price of all inputs which can either be imported /exported
Explain in detail the various duties taxes and incentives
a. Excise duty
b. Export duty
c. Export assistance
I. Replenishment license
II. Duty drawback
III. Cash subsidy
IV. Any other (specify)
Give brief write –up on the economic benefits to the country in general and the region in particular on account of the proposed project
How far does the unit contribute to the establishment of ancillary industries in the region?
10 government consent
103 indicate whether the various licenses/consent required for the project have been
Obtained from the respective authorities give details as follows:
Date of present status
Issue if not already issued
a. Letter of intent
b. Industrial license
c. Capital good clearance
d. Import license
e. Foreign exchange permission
f. Approval of technical/ financial collaboration
g. Clearance under MRTP act
h. Consent of the controller of capital issues
i. Any other (specify)
Enclose: copies of licenses /consent etc. received
104 specify any special conditions attached to the licenses / consents and the undertaking given by the company in connection with them
I Utilities
57 power : furnish the following details
a) Source of power and supply voltage
Own generation
Stand by arrangements
b) Maximum demand
c) Connected load
d) Peak hour requirement
e) Contracted load
f) Power tariff
g) Cast of power per annum at maximum capacity utilization (give calculations)
I. Copy of letter of sanction for power
II. Copy of agreement with electricity bard
III. Copy of electrical layout of the plant
58 Conservation of energy (for hotel project only)
a) Indicate the efforts proposed for utilizing alternate sources of energy particularly the following
I. For improving power factor
II. For improving heating efficiency in kitchens toilets ect
III. Use of solar energy for low temperature heating requirements and whether siding /orientation of the hotal building has been made to optimize the use of solar energy
IV. For bringing down air conditioning loads
V. For optimizing illumination from lighting fixtures
VI. For better power load management including for evening out peak demand requirements and cutting down nonessential loads
VII. For generally cutting down losses in the use of various utility services namely power water and steam and maximum and efficient utilization of waste heat
b) Indicate ant other measures considered necessary or proposed to be taken in the context of energy conservation
c) Give particulars of the monitoring system to acquire the desired economy in use of energy
d) Indicate the savings achieved/proposed to be achieved by utilizing alternative source of energy
A list of 16 items coming under the following 3renwable energy system which are eligible for concessional financial assistance from financial institutions, is enclose:
I. Solar heater for industrial applications
II. Wind mill operated water pups
III. Manufacture and installation of systems based on bio-mass such as agricultural wastes etc.
List showing Item coming under alternate sources of energy
1) Flat plate solar collectors
2) Concentrating and parabolic type solar collector
3) Solar cookers
4) Solar water heaters and systems
5) Air/Gas/fluid heaters systems
6) Solar crop driers and systems
7) Solar refrigeration cold storages And air –conditioning system
8) Solar stills and desalination system
9) Solar pups based on solar thermal and solar photovoltaic conversion
10) Solar power generating system
11) Solar photovoltaic modules and panels for water pumping and other applications
12) Wind mils and any specially designed devices which run on wind mills
13) Any special devices including electric generators and pumps running on wond energy
14) Bio-gas plants and bio-gas engines
15) Agricultural and municipal waste conversion devices producing energy
16) Geo ocean thermal energy
59 water: Give details on
a) Requirement of water separately for circulating make up process boiler feed drinking cooling
b) Sources of water arrangement proposed and water charges payable
c) Capacities of the thanks reservoirs
d) Describe water treatment arrangements proposed
I. Layout for the water system
II. Copy of letter of sanction of water by municipal /local authorities where applicable:
III. Copy of water applicable
60 steam: detail the following
a) Steam requirement and the steam balance
b) Capacity and types type of the boiler with detailed specifications
c) Steam and energy balance diagrams
d) Total energy generated / purchased (converted in to k Cal) theoretical requirement of energy (in Mk Cal) at the various consumption stations and expected actual requirement at these stations
e) If alternate processes are available comparative energy consumption figures for the various processes if the project is energy intensive possibility of choosing alternative process in order to make the project less energy intensive
f) Step proposed to be taken by the company to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy losses (such as power factor improvement power load management Optimizing illumination waste heat utilization etc)
g) Scope for usage of solar /other renewable source of energy
h) Any other measures contemplated in the direction of energy conservation and management
Enclose: layout of the steam system
61 compressed air fuel etc provide information on
a) Requirement
b) Sources
c) Arrangements proposed
d) Cost at site with detailed calculations
I. Layout for compressed air fuel etc
II. Copies of letter of allotment of coal furnace oil from the concerned authorities
62 transport : furnish information on
Arrangement proposed for carrying raw materials and finished goods provision for own trucks railway siding etc and arrangements with private truck operations
J Effluent
63 furnish details of the nature of atmospheric soil and water pollution likely to be created by the project and the measures proposed for control of pollution indicate whether necessary permission for the disposal of effluents has been obtained
Enclose ; copy of approval from concerned authorities for the proposed arrangements
K Labour
64 give estimates of total requirement and availability of skilled and unskilled labour and plans for training of personnel briefly describe the manpower development programmed.
L Quarters and Labour housing
65 furnish existing and proposed arrangements for housing the staff and workers in the following form
No of quarters Floor area Unit Cost Total cost
Existing proposed Existing proposed Existing proposed Existing proposed Amount
to be Met out
of industrial
Senior Executives
Other Executives
M schedule of implementation
66 Describe how the design engineering erection installation and commissioning of the project will be carried out also indicate the progress made so far in the implementation of the project and furnish the schedule of implementation as follows:
Commencement completion
(Month and year) (Month and year)
I. Acquisition of land
II. Development of land
III. Civil works.. factory building,
Machinery foundation auxiliary
Building administrative building
Miscellaneous building
Iv plant and Machinery Imported placement of order
Deliver at site placement of order delivery at site
Indigenous for power
v. Arrangements for water
vi. Arrangements for water
vii. Erection of Equipment.
viii. Commissioning
xi. Procurement of Raw Material
And chemicals.
x. Training of Personnel.
xi. Trail runs.
Xii. Commercial Production
Enclose: PERT chart.
67. Other projects of the concern.
Give details of any other new/expansion projects which are under implementation
Or which the company/promoters propose to implement, giving the estimated cost, means of financing and the present status.
Furnish estimate of cost of Project under following heads (details may be furnished as per Form IX).Also provide the basis of cost estimate (Such as quotation orders placed etc.,) bringing out the built-in provision for cost escalation , if any.
(in thousands of rupees)
Rupee Rupee total
Cost equivalent of cost
Foreign ex
Change cost
1) Land and site development
2) Building
3) Plant and machinery
4 Technical knowhow fees
5 expenses on foreign technicians and training of Indian technicians abroad
6 miscellaneous fixed assets
7 preliminary and preoperative expenses
8 provisions for contingencies
9 margin money for working capital
68 6 mean of financing
Means of financing envisaged share capital … equity preference
Rupee loans
Foreign currency loa debentures
Internal cash accruals
Others (specify)
69 (Give details of the means of financing envisaged and the proposals for raising share and loan in form x and form X and form XA respectively)
70 In case internal accruals are takes as sources of finance explain the basis of internal accruals by means of a suitable statement
80 briefly describe the arrangements so far made for raising the finance and the proposed arrangements
Enclose: copies of letter sanctioning assistance
81 indicate sources of foreign exchange and arrangements if any made for abstaining foreign exchange
82 Indicate sources from which expenditure already incurred has been financed in from XB
83 promoter’s contribution to project cost:
As per cent of total cost………………..
84 list of person/firms who would be contributing to the promoter’s share of the capital and the respective amounts
85 Give details of security proposed to be offered for loan and/or guarantee for deferred payment on plant and machinery or guarantee for foreign currency loans
86 in case you propose to offer a bank guarantee instead of mortgage of fixed assets, specify the name of the bank and enclose copy of letter from the bank indicating its willingness to provide the guarantee
7 Market and Selling Arrangements
Enclose: copy of market survey report if any conducted by the company or independent consultant
87 Give brief notes on the products their major uses scope of the market possible competition
From substitute products etc indicate the special features (regarding quality price etc) of your products which would result in consumer preference for your products in relation to competitive products
88 furnish estimates of the existing and future and supply of the products proposed to be manufactured
89 Give an assessment of likely competition in the future and indicate any special features of the project which may enable it to meet the competition
90 provide information regarding export possibilities and the nature of competition be faced in foreign countries also give comparative data on the manufacturing costs and prices (domestic as well as export) prevailing in selected competing countries
91 if there are any export commitment assumed by the company as part of the government requirements indicate the arrangements proposed for meeting the same and the export incentives available
92 Give the international CIF FOB prices and landed cost of the proposed products.
93 list of principal customers and particulars of any firm arrangements entered in to with them
94 Particulars of government controls restrictions etc if any on the sale price distribution import export etc in respect of the products proposed to be manufactured
95 indicates whether sales are to be made directly by the company or through distributors of selling agents if sales are proposed to be made directly provide information on the nature of the proposed selling organization give particulars of proposed selling arrangements both note on the selling agent organization
Enclose copy of the agreement with selling agent
96 in case the company proposes to have any sole selling agency for any of its products furnish the following particulars
a) Name of the selling agent
b) Remuneration
c) Special advantages/ reasons for the appointments od sole selling agents
d) Relationship of the directors of the company with the directors/partners of the sole selling agents
e) Past experience in handling the same/similar products and financial position of the sole selling agents
f) Storage facilities available with the sole selling agents and the adequacy of the facilities
97 Give details regarding the trend in price during the last five years if the prices are controlled by the government or on a voluntary basis indicates the basis on which the prices are fixed
98 in case of agro-basis /agriculture input industries indicate in detail the company s scheme for educating the farmers to use the product /to grow the produce required
99 Give estimates of cost of production and working results for the first five years of operation as per from XI AND XII respectively basis for all the calculation should be show be shown separately
Note in case of expansion/ diversification of existing companies
Two sets of profitability statement may be prepared (1)
For the project and (2) for the existing operations only
100 based on the estimates of working results in from XII provide a cash flow statement for the company as a whole foe five operating years of the project in form XIII
101 from the foregoing statement provide a project balance sheet for ten operating years for the company as a whole
102 at what capacity will the plant break even give detailed calculations
Give price of competing impoet/ export product giving a break up as FOB CIF landed cost (including import duty) and selling price
Provide detailed explanation for differences in selling prices of the products and those of imported goods with quantitative data on difference in cost of production (such as scale of operation differences in cost of input and various local duties and taxes)
Give the international /CIF/FOB price of all inputs which can either be imported /exported
Explain in detail the various duties taxes and incentives
a. Excise duty
b. Export duty
c. Export assistance
I. Replenishment license
II. Duty drawback
III. Cash subsidy
IV. Any other (specify)
Give brief write –up on the economic benefits to the country in general and the region in particular on account of the proposed project
How far does the unit contribute to the establishment of ancillary industries in the region?
10 government consent
103 indicate whether the various licenses/consent required for the project have been
Obtained from the respective authorities give details as follows:
Date of present status
Issue if not already issued
a. Letter of intent
b. Industrial license
c. Capital good clearance
d. Import license
e. Foreign exchange permission
f. Approval of technical/ financial collaboration
g. Clearance under MRTP act
h. Consent of the controller of capital issues
i. Any other (specify)
Enclose: copies of licenses /consent etc. received
104 specify any special conditions attached to the licenses / consents and the undertaking given by the company in connection with them